One thing I noticed after re-watching this beloved (by me) show, is that many of the characters fear the internet. The show aired in 1997 just as the internet bubble was inflating and I, myself was getting my first AOL account (my first screen name was IBChillin247. Really it was.). Many of the characters, high school students, teachers, and parents seems to not trust/understand the internet and not see the use for it. The characters that do trust the internet (Willow and Mrs. Calendar) are the ones who often save the day by adequately finding helpful information on the net. Also the characters that are not computer savvy are completely I just found this occurrence interesting. I do not remember people being fearful of the internet, do you guys?
Here's what I am talking about.
This clip is from season 1 episode 8 when a demon gets downloaded onto the internet and seduces Willow in order to trick her into helping him take over the world (seriously horrifying stuff *sarcasm* You can't blame me for thinking it was the best show when I was 9 or 10 years old). Buffy who is not computer savvy seeks out help from a computer geek. When she goes to talk about it with Giles, her watcher/Sunnydale High School librarian he makes an anti-computer comment. "I really don't know how to advise you. Thinks involved with the computer fill me with a child-like terror." Giles would rather fight off evil creepy creatures of the night then surf the net. He's a twisted librarian.
Vampire Slayingly Yours,